Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Wednesday

As you may have noticed, I have unintentionally become one of those people who starts a blog, and then doesn't keep up with it. What can I say? Life happens. I got busy, and I've learned that it's all about prioritizing. So I took some time off from writing to focus on things in my life. Alot has happened in the last month; the most difficult being moving back home with mom and dad. I say most difficult for a few reasons. First, I haven't truly lived at home since I moved out to go to college at 18. I did spend a few months here and there, but nothing permanent. It's not that I don't feel independent, it's that I feel like I have to have some accountability. Second, I'm not in control of the food that comes in the house. Granted I did live with a roommate and were things that weren't on my eating plan in the house, but I didn't buy them, nor did any one in my family, so they were off limits. But now, I'm faced with my father's sweet tooth, and my mother's love for pizza. Snacks abound and the requests to go out to eat are plenty. Hey, who wants to turn down a free meal? My choices are all that much harder, and I don't know about you, but during the warm summer months, all I can think about is ICE CREAM. And third, I don't like the chaos that is moving. It has been nice to go through things and get rid of stuff I truly don't need, but all of that takes time, and time has been scarce lately. But there are certainly benefits too... paying off bills, a closer commute to work, free cable :) And a mom that says, "Need anything at the store?" (protein bars always seem to be in short supply)

In addition to moving, one of my employees left, and so I have had to put in "overtime" (I use quotes because I'm salary and I don't get paid for the lovely extra hours I spend there). Couple that with working out alot, church activities, and a very minute social life... you can see why blogging became difficult. I've also gone through some emotional stuff... it hit me one day just how much weight I've lost and I started tearing up. I'm a new person (and I've lost one too! :)

One of the phenomenons I have noticed with losing weight is that random people will come up to me and say either a) You have to help me! or b) I've lost (insert number) of pounds! It's so odd. Like I guess I never realized how much people look to other people for affirmation and support. It only makes me want to get my certification sooner :)

There is so much more I can write, but I'll do highs and lows for now and hopefully be able to write more tomorrow.

High: Two weekends ago I went away to a cabin that I went to about two years ago. When I went two years ago, I was experiencing panic attacks from a situation that happened in my life, and was a complete mess. This year, was completely different. Not only did I NOT have panic attacks, I ran around the lake which ended up being 8.3 miles! My longest distance yet. I felt inc charge of my life. It's amazing how much can change.

Low: This weekend I made some pretty terrible food choices. I had gotten small freedom from my trainer to treat myself to some ice cream for moving and took advantage of it (whether subconsciously or not)... it ended up with a 24 hour period of cake, ice cream, ribs, spinach lasagna, more cake, more ice cream, a Reese's PB cup, bison burger, sweet potato fries, a part of a brownie sundae... yeah, I really had my cake and ate it too. I kind of scared myself in the sense that it was so easy for me to do it. Accountability is so vital to any type of weight loss, myself included.

And now for the weight. I was at 143.5 prior to my weekend binge.... but I am now 145.5. And for the first time learned that I am 21% body fat... 1% away from being considered an athlete! :)

Up next... start training for the triathalon.

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