Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth WEDNESDAY

I did it! I actually made an entry on the right day. Granted it's two weeks late, but yeah. It's Wednesday. I have had a pretty good two weeks... oh that's a load of crap. The last two weeks have been super difficult. I have been mentally and physically exhausted. The numbers on the scale were among 140-142 for about 3 weeks. Now, mind you, I'm used to losing around a pound a week. I was running about 24+ miles a week and eating the way that I was supposed to. It just wasn't happening; I felt like a "mouse on a wheel." It all culminated on Sunday when after a weekend of hardly working out (not on purpose), I felt so awful that I took off on a 2 mile run in the heat. I felt like I was going to burst into tears the whole time. (and by now you're saying, ok Becky get to the point, this is depressing)

The point is... fitness can sometimes suck! Ok, that might not be quite it... the point is... you have to keep going no matter how hard it gets. The point is perseverance. During this time, I was also trying to remind myself of what I had already accomplished; to look at the bigger picture. It's good to have milestones along the way. I recommend keeping a journal or keep something concrete like pictures... to be able to refer to when times are tough. For me it's been pictures... every month I've taken a new photo. I have also kept one pair of shorts from my previous weight and let me tell you, that is a motivator!

So with that, highs and lows:

High: Someone telling me they've joined the gym because of me. Several people have actually told me this, and it never gets old. I'm happy that my life can be an example to others.

Low: I'm going to have to go with my aforementioned meltdown. But I'm good now. Promise :)

Lastly... weight...
137.7 (yep... 130's baby!) :)

1 comment:

  1. wow - 130's. crazy. i think you can stop now =) (i would never make a good personal trainer!). why does exercise and eating healthy have to be so difficult? ~aimee~
