The next thing I remember was being ridiculously hungry. I had visions of hamburgers and pizza. However, the nurse had another idea. I had a choice of Jell-o and popsicles. Oh come on! Well I chose my red Jell-o and had me a red popsicle. I'm sure the resulting lip stain was some-kind-of-wonderful.
About an hour later, I was still pretty hungry and was thankfully graduated to semi-solids like ice cream. Vanilla, strawberry, or chocolate? Ummm hellooo, chocolate please. I was then told by the nurse that I was doing well and would have the option to go home that night. Trisha was having a worse go of it than I was. You see, when they do a laparoscopic abdominal surgery, they fill your abdominal cavity with gas so they can see the organs better. Thankfully I didn't have an after effects from that, while she, definitely did. I told the nurse I would think about it. Normally I am all for the "be all you can be" attitude, but I was feeling a bit vulnerable with one less organ and decided that I would stay the night. Trisha said was happy to hear that she wouldn't be the only wuss in the room. Wait what?
The next hurdle to get over was using the restroom. I won't detail the chronicles of that journey, but let's just say that trying to get out of bed when you have been forbidden the use of your abdominal muscles, is quite difficult. And it seemed almost sadistic that they kept making me drink water and pumping me with fluids. Seriously?! Plus it seemed as though Trisha and I had to use it at the same time.
I soon met the night nurse Rose. Rose was my new BFF because Rose was the one that showed me how to get out of bed with minimal pain. Thank you Rose! Rose and I then went for a stroll around the nurse's station (another requirement before being let free to roam about the country). With my new found freedom, I was able to use the restroom across the hall which meant that I didn't have to wait for the nurses to go. Yippee! (yes there are some details I'm leaving out, but they're for your own good. Trust me.)
I finished the night attempting to eat graham crackers and falling asleep to HGTV... or so I thought. I was woken up every two hours by the other night nurse who incessantly wanted my blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. How's anyone supposed to sleep around here? The nerve.
By morning I was allowed to eat real food since I did so well with the graham crackers. Oh goodie! I ordered me some oatmeal with brown sugar, pears, and a piece of banana bread. I could get used to breakfast in bed. :) Shortly after the nurse reminded me again that I was free to go. I took the hint, declined the wheelchair, and walked off into the sunset. Eat your heart out John Wayne.
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