Monday, March 21, 2011


Whatever happens in your stomach to make bubbles... big bubbles, little bubbles, crazy sounding bubbles... is a wonderful process, except for when you want the bubbles... and there are none.
A week and a half ago I ended up in the ER for what has since turned out to be gallstones.
Ok, so these may be hail stones, but regardless, anything that resembles a stone should not be in your body. I happen to be case and point. And so what is one to do when there are "foreign" objects within the body? Take 'em out! In this case though, since my body is apparently prone to producing these hideous things, it is best to take out the producer as well... the gallbladder.

How do you get gallstones? Well Jimmy, that's a good question. Gallstones (by the way, I do not recommend google imaging pictures of gallstones... gross) Women are more likely to get them then our male counterparts. They also become more prevalent with age. However, they can be generated from pregnancy, birth control pills, obesity, rapid weight loss, Chron's disease, and increased blood tryglicerides. Thing with these suckers is, you can have them for a long time, and not know! My guess... in the days of my youth and stupidity, I got them due to my proclivity for Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs.

So as of next week, I will have gone through my own form of quick weight loss. Gallbladder, we've had a good run, but you must go. I bid you adieu.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sunshine and All that Is Holy

The sun. I felt it. And in fact... I almost got burnt by it! (ok maybe that's a bit of a stretch, but if I didn't move, I think my leg would have been like that of a truck driver's left arm) It felt so good! As I sat in my sports utility vehicle on my lunch, I read the latest edition of FITNESS magazine. If you're looking into getting a fitness type magazine, I recommend it. I tell you about my reading ventures because I found in there a contest. Now typically I'm not one to back down from a challenge. (Heck ask anyone of my high school soccer teammates and they'll tell you I can be downright scary.) The contest is this:

Join our cover contest! Think you've got what it takes to
be the face of FITNESS? We're looking for women who embody
the fit lifestyle inside and out. Just upload your best photos
and tell us about the health and fitness accomplishments
you're proudest of. We'll bring the five finalists to NYC for
a photo shoot and the chance to win a five night trip for
two to Hawaii, including round trip airfare and accommodations
at Four Seasons Resort Lanai at Manele Bay.

Now don't kid yourself, I don't wish to be a cover model... but you know what? I got to thinking about the things that I've done fitness-wise and I must say that I'm pretty impressed. Yet the thing that impressed me the most is not what I've done for myself, but how what I did inspired others to reach out and get their lives back too. To come from a place of death and destruction, to life and life abundantly, HALLELUJAH!

So as you reach for your goals, whether it's to lose those last 5 stubborn pounds or start on a journey to become half the man/woman you used to be, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." (thank you John F. Kennedy)

See you in Hawaii :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Three outside runs this week. Three! Granted two of them were actually quite freezing cold (the weatherman and I have a bone to pick) and the third was actually quite nice. It's always a good run when your danger of getting hit by a car is less than 10% (percentage not based on any real numbers... just sayin')

Today I ran my nemesis. Union St. hill. I haven't run the hill since last fall and man did I feel it. My calves are still screaming at me. But what I had set out to run, 3 miles-ish, turned out to be 4 :) When you're feeling good, don't be afraid to push yourself! There were a few times during "the hill" that I felt like a jalopy sputtering on it's last leg, however, I kept thinking that the top of the hill will be coming soon. It will not go on forever.

Funny though, once I got home, after an hour or so, I thought that I should celebrate my run with... oh I don't know... some ice cream? Good thing common sense prevailed. After all, bathing suit season is just around the corner.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Being a child allows you to play child-like games. Foursquare, kickball, double-dutch, etc.... you get the point. Sometimes the games are made-up and the rules are nothing short of a well played Mozart symphony (run 6 steps, turn left, jump twice, spin 3 times, and then sprint to the edge of the playground). Other times, the games are straight forward... like tag... pretty hard to mess that one up.

However, there is the inevitable time where one of the rules will not be followed. Sometimes on purpose, then again, sometimes not. Or there may be a time when the kick ball pitcher rolls a bad ball. What is the usual response of the offender? DO OVER!

I have found that my stance on nutrition, or lack there of, has had this sort of approach over the last few weeks. You see, after going through a bout of anxiety, then a week's vacation, then a birthday, my opportunities to say DO OVER! have been many. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but my point is that there has to be some point that you say, enough is enough. Even kids know when someone is taking advantage of the "do over" mentality. The offender is usually met with alot of "na-uh's" and "you just had one's".

My challenge to you and to myself, make the DO OVER's count. Yes, take the new day by the horns, learn from the previous day, and move on. Capice? :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have You Met My Friend Howard?

In the words of the band Jars of Clay... "I am the king (queen in my case) of excuses. I have one for every selfish thing I do." I know that previously this blog has been about fitness and health, but as I continue on my journey, there is more to being physically healthy than working out at the gym. With another recent bout of anxiety, it has dawned on me that there is a need to be "wholly healthy"; mind, body, and spirit.
Lately, in regards to physical health, I have been using the excuse, "oh it's my birthday" in a few days so it's ok... or "oh that's ok I'll just go to the gym and work it off". Here lies the problem. I don't feel like my normal self. I feel sluggish and lethargic so the thought of going to go work out is not really on the forefront of my mind. When did this happen? When did the girl who could do anything, go after anything and accomplish it, settle for second best?
I'm not sure. But for now, I will try not to continually set myself up for failure. I will allow myself to be happy and not let sabotage... here on out called Howard... get in my way. Howard, you're goin' down.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Confession Friday?

My how time flies when you're so busy you don't know up from down. Wait, that's not how that saying goes...

It's been almost 9 months since my last post. I feel like this could be an episode of E! True Hollywood Story's "Where are they now?" Well, I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news first? Ok, here goes. The bad news is that I'm still addicted to sugar and all things good and plentiful. I have gained almost 20 lbs since my last post... 155.1 as of now. I think in total I have probably lost about 300 lbs... gain 5 lose 6, gain 3 lose 2, etc. etc. etc. Once you introduce sugar in, you crave it, and want just as much (if not more) the next day. Just say no! Winter really stinks you know? I have especially missed the fresh air runs. (I did try one recently on a warmer day, but was almost hit by a car... sticking to the gym thank you very much.)

That's enough bad news. The good news? I have completed two triathlons :) The first was a great one for beginners called "Give Peace a Tri" It was in Surry, NH and it took me just over an hour to do. Felt like I just did one of my regular workouts :) (aside from running a 5k in my bike shoes... oy vey). The second one was for the YMCA at Clough State Park in Goffstown, NH. That one was about twice the distance of the first one, and took me just about twice as long :) BUT! I finished it. I have also purchased my personal training materials to get certified. It's been a little tougher than I thought. I had started studying in December, but haven't progressed as quickly. I will be starting the reading plan over and doing a little each day. Everything in moderation :)

More good news? I have met someone :) (It's amazing what happens when you get your life in order) When you love yourself, you find the capacity to be able to care about someone else. It's a great feeling. The other good thing about it is that we challenge each other to stay fit.... well as much as we can from 2,700+ miles away. I would encourage you to have someone to be accountable to. It definitely helps!

Well, I'm not sure what kind of blog this is going to turn into... but it feels good to write again. So, until next time.

Peace out.