Thursday, March 10, 2011


Being a child allows you to play child-like games. Foursquare, kickball, double-dutch, etc.... you get the point. Sometimes the games are made-up and the rules are nothing short of a well played Mozart symphony (run 6 steps, turn left, jump twice, spin 3 times, and then sprint to the edge of the playground). Other times, the games are straight forward... like tag... pretty hard to mess that one up.

However, there is the inevitable time where one of the rules will not be followed. Sometimes on purpose, then again, sometimes not. Or there may be a time when the kick ball pitcher rolls a bad ball. What is the usual response of the offender? DO OVER!

I have found that my stance on nutrition, or lack there of, has had this sort of approach over the last few weeks. You see, after going through a bout of anxiety, then a week's vacation, then a birthday, my opportunities to say DO OVER! have been many. Now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but my point is that there has to be some point that you say, enough is enough. Even kids know when someone is taking advantage of the "do over" mentality. The offender is usually met with alot of "na-uh's" and "you just had one's".

My challenge to you and to myself, make the DO OVER's count. Yes, take the new day by the horns, learn from the previous day, and move on. Capice? :)

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