Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have You Met My Friend Howard?

In the words of the band Jars of Clay... "I am the king (queen in my case) of excuses. I have one for every selfish thing I do." I know that previously this blog has been about fitness and health, but as I continue on my journey, there is more to being physically healthy than working out at the gym. With another recent bout of anxiety, it has dawned on me that there is a need to be "wholly healthy"; mind, body, and spirit.
Lately, in regards to physical health, I have been using the excuse, "oh it's my birthday" in a few days so it's ok... or "oh that's ok I'll just go to the gym and work it off". Here lies the problem. I don't feel like my normal self. I feel sluggish and lethargic so the thought of going to go work out is not really on the forefront of my mind. When did this happen? When did the girl who could do anything, go after anything and accomplish it, settle for second best?
I'm not sure. But for now, I will try not to continually set myself up for failure. I will allow myself to be happy and not let sabotage... here on out called Howard... get in my way. Howard, you're goin' down.

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