Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth WEDNESDAY

I did it! I actually made an entry on the right day. Granted it's two weeks late, but yeah. It's Wednesday. I have had a pretty good two weeks... oh that's a load of crap. The last two weeks have been super difficult. I have been mentally and physically exhausted. The numbers on the scale were among 140-142 for about 3 weeks. Now, mind you, I'm used to losing around a pound a week. I was running about 24+ miles a week and eating the way that I was supposed to. It just wasn't happening; I felt like a "mouse on a wheel." It all culminated on Sunday when after a weekend of hardly working out (not on purpose), I felt so awful that I took off on a 2 mile run in the heat. I felt like I was going to burst into tears the whole time. (and by now you're saying, ok Becky get to the point, this is depressing)

The point is... fitness can sometimes suck! Ok, that might not be quite it... the point is... you have to keep going no matter how hard it gets. The point is perseverance. During this time, I was also trying to remind myself of what I had already accomplished; to look at the bigger picture. It's good to have milestones along the way. I recommend keeping a journal or keep something concrete like pictures... to be able to refer to when times are tough. For me it's been pictures... every month I've taken a new photo. I have also kept one pair of shorts from my previous weight and let me tell you, that is a motivator!

So with that, highs and lows:

High: Someone telling me they've joined the gym because of me. Several people have actually told me this, and it never gets old. I'm happy that my life can be an example to others.

Low: I'm going to have to go with my aforementioned meltdown. But I'm good now. Promise :)

Lastly... weight...
137.7 (yep... 130's baby!) :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Truth Delayed...

Man, not having internet readily available puts quite a damper on updating. Although, my ridiculous schedule has something to do with that too... but that's for another time.

Just finished a soccer game. Loved it... for a couple reasons really... 1) I get my workout in 2) it's competitive 3) it's not just running for the sake of running 4) it's FUN! (the fun factor can go up or down depending on how many times I've gotten hit in the head that game...) I encourage you to get involved in team sports. Even as an adult, they're still valuable. Camaraderie and competition is something that helps you to vent and have fun. (not necessarily in that order :)

Don't have too much time tonight so I'm going to get right to H&L's.

High: I was looking in the mirror the other day, and I was happy... I thought to myself, if I was someone else, and I hadn't seen me since last year, I would not recognize myself. I feel like I've taken control of my life... that in itself is an AWESOME feeling! I've also been eating really well... something else I'm proud of.

Low: Though I have taken control of my life, I've been running myself ragged. I have been neglecting sleep and that is something that is also necessary to a healthy mind and body.

Note: Certification materials to be purchased in the next month. Here's to getting certified!

141.5 ... -4lbs... 2weeks not too shabby (let me tell you, it's getting hard!)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Revelation...

I have come to the realization that when you lose 108lbs. and you try to swim, you're not as buoyant as you used to be. Lack of buoyancy = sinking. Sinking is NOT GOOD when it comes to triathalons and swimming. Thankfully I have a wonderful trainer who's teaching me to breathe and swim at the same time. I'm feeling a bit behind as the triathalon is now two months away. Two months! Crazy!

Saturday I had a dream that I ate pancakes, ice cream, and a few other things that were not in my list of eating. I remember being SO disappointed in myself that I couldn't keep it together for another weekend. Then I woke up. I was so re-leaved! You don't even know how frustrated I have become... I don't know what's worse, being so far away from goal that you don't think you'll ever get there, or being so close that every pound is so much work! Ok, overweight is definitely worse, but still. Ugh!

Another thing about cravings... I realized that I'll always have them. Say I go to IHOP to get the chocolate chip pancakes I'm craving... I'll be satisfied.... for today. Tomorrow, I may want pizza... chocolate cookies the day after that. So the trick is... how to satisfy the craving, without adding 1,000's of calories to your day. Chocolate chip pancakes... maybe make your own using wheat flour, with cinnamon, egg whites, and a little chocolate protein powder... then in a saucepan use strawberries and Truvia instead of syrup... Pizza can be done using a half of a whole wheat or multi-grain pita, low-fat mozzarella, and sauce (making your own using a food processor or blender would be even better) The internet is a great resource for recipes and high calorie alternatives!

So I hope my little rant helped... we all need a little rant sometimes. :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Wednesday

As you may have noticed, I have unintentionally become one of those people who starts a blog, and then doesn't keep up with it. What can I say? Life happens. I got busy, and I've learned that it's all about prioritizing. So I took some time off from writing to focus on things in my life. Alot has happened in the last month; the most difficult being moving back home with mom and dad. I say most difficult for a few reasons. First, I haven't truly lived at home since I moved out to go to college at 18. I did spend a few months here and there, but nothing permanent. It's not that I don't feel independent, it's that I feel like I have to have some accountability. Second, I'm not in control of the food that comes in the house. Granted I did live with a roommate and were things that weren't on my eating plan in the house, but I didn't buy them, nor did any one in my family, so they were off limits. But now, I'm faced with my father's sweet tooth, and my mother's love for pizza. Snacks abound and the requests to go out to eat are plenty. Hey, who wants to turn down a free meal? My choices are all that much harder, and I don't know about you, but during the warm summer months, all I can think about is ICE CREAM. And third, I don't like the chaos that is moving. It has been nice to go through things and get rid of stuff I truly don't need, but all of that takes time, and time has been scarce lately. But there are certainly benefits too... paying off bills, a closer commute to work, free cable :) And a mom that says, "Need anything at the store?" (protein bars always seem to be in short supply)

In addition to moving, one of my employees left, and so I have had to put in "overtime" (I use quotes because I'm salary and I don't get paid for the lovely extra hours I spend there). Couple that with working out alot, church activities, and a very minute social life... you can see why blogging became difficult. I've also gone through some emotional stuff... it hit me one day just how much weight I've lost and I started tearing up. I'm a new person (and I've lost one too! :)

One of the phenomenons I have noticed with losing weight is that random people will come up to me and say either a) You have to help me! or b) I've lost (insert number) of pounds! It's so odd. Like I guess I never realized how much people look to other people for affirmation and support. It only makes me want to get my certification sooner :)

There is so much more I can write, but I'll do highs and lows for now and hopefully be able to write more tomorrow.

High: Two weekends ago I went away to a cabin that I went to about two years ago. When I went two years ago, I was experiencing panic attacks from a situation that happened in my life, and was a complete mess. This year, was completely different. Not only did I NOT have panic attacks, I ran around the lake which ended up being 8.3 miles! My longest distance yet. I felt inc charge of my life. It's amazing how much can change.

Low: This weekend I made some pretty terrible food choices. I had gotten small freedom from my trainer to treat myself to some ice cream for moving and took advantage of it (whether subconsciously or not)... it ended up with a 24 hour period of cake, ice cream, ribs, spinach lasagna, more cake, more ice cream, a Reese's PB cup, bison burger, sweet potato fries, a part of a brownie sundae... yeah, I really had my cake and ate it too. I kind of scared myself in the sense that it was so easy for me to do it. Accountability is so vital to any type of weight loss, myself included.

And now for the weight. I was at 143.5 prior to my weekend binge.... but I am now 145.5. And for the first time learned that I am 21% body fat... 1% away from being considered an athlete! :)

Up next... start training for the triathalon.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth We.... Oh shoot it's Thursday

My days have become long as of late. Yet, the number of hours in the day haven't changed, so it's been leaving me a bit spent. I've started the cleansing process known as packing. It's hard to do, but soooo worth it. Work has had a few curve balls for me this week as well which has had me working extra hours. But! I have had an awesome time this week reconnecting with some old friends.

My new found level of fitness has opened up a new world to me. Whether it's the chance to bike with friends or sign up for a triathalon (which I did today!) it's a great feeling knowing that I'll be able to do it.

I have been fighting a battle with the chocolate gods. Somedays I win, somedays they do. I'm not supposed to let them, but it's becoming increasingly harder.. especially now that I'm closer to goal. You would think that I'd be able to ward off the cravings. Well I guess the worst part of it is that I bought the chocolate in the first place. That's no good. Hey it IS dark chocolate... so antioxidants! Woo hoo! But seriously, self-sabotage. It's a problem that alot of us can have. Doing so well that you think at some point you're bound to fail, so you fail on purpose. You know, looking at it in writing, makes it sound all that much worse. So here's to STOPPING IT!

Altos y Bajos

High: I have two again. I just have been having really good weeks! Well the first has to be the 100lbs! I really can't believe it. I held a 30lb. weight the other day and then thought to myself, I carried around 3 of these, plus 10. Crazy! No wonder I had health problems. The second is soccer. It was another emotional boost to be able to do something that I could never have done before.

Low: See paragraph on chocolate gods. :P

This week: 149.5. -2.4 from last week. I think I have even surprised myself on this one.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tipper Gore Tuesday

It just so happens that yesterday, I made it to 100lbs. lost! I think I'm a little in denial of how much that actually is. We did squats with weights today, and one of them was 30lbs. I was like, I used to carry around three of these. No wonder I couldn't move well. Or that I was out of breath simply walking up two flights of stairs. I feel like a different person :) There's that little girl at church, that I believe I mentioned before... who insists that I am not Becky. I am Becky's friend. LOL. So funny!

I also had the wonderful opportunity to play some indoor soccer. I haven't done that since high school. For 4+ years I played goalie... mostly because I was too large to run around and do anything else. But this time, I was able to play offense... running and sprinting back and forth. I was definitely wiped by the end :) Oh I and I forgot to stretch soooo I was walking around like I had ridden a horse for hours the day before. Oh man, good times.

So this week's tip doesn't involve an exercise, but rather an admonition to do something you may have let go (or not started), that you wish to do. For me, it was soccer. Thankfully someone thought of me and asked me, but maybe there's that volleyball team at the local Y that you've always wanted to join. Or taking an art class (no not everything has to involve fitness :)

Do something that makes you happy :) ... unless it's gorging yourself on an ice cream sundae... that my friends is counterproductive!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Easter Candy

Now I love Easter... being that it makes up the crux of my beliefs. But I really wish that it did not come with so much candy! For those of you with kids that may have gotten a ton of it, bring it to the office, or better yet, bring it to the homeless shelter. I mean first off it's hard limiting yourself on that day, but it's even worse when you're trying to avoid the tall solid chocolate bunny when he calls your name on Monday, Tuesday (I would say Wednesday, but you've probably bitten off his head by then) I know I would have :)

So for those of you who feel guilty throwing it out and wasting someone else's (or your... which you shouldn't have bought it in the first place) money, don't. There are several alternatives. Or you could help you get started on your fitness goals. For instance, if you wished to have a jelly bean or two, you could do 5 sit-ups for every one you ate. (Not that you want to start a workout-reward trend... no good)

You could also make goodie bags for kids in the hospital. Possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Wednesday

It seems as though this week went by really slowly. I'm not sure why... Maybe it's just me. Well anyway, this week I learned that people listen to the things you say, and don't always tell you they're listening. For instance, I have had people say that they started eating the protein bars that I eat because they saw me doing it. I'm thankful, and frankly a little humbled, that people want to do that. Then again, I always try to remind people, my plan, is not their plan. :) So there's the flip side of that. Do people allow themselves eat junk because I do? I highly doubt it, but it's just something that crossed my mind.

My trainer reminded me of something last night (due to the fact that I had a Jr. Frosty from Wendy's) All the stuff that tastes really good, is probably really bad for you. So I'm going to try to keep that in mind as I strive not to sabotage myself.

High's and Low's

High: I was able to run 30.7 miles over 7 days. I was able to run 6 of those miles at 6.5mph, completing them in 54min. My fastest time yet! And no, I am NOT interested in doing a marathon. :)

Low: The Jr. Frosty. In retrospect, was it a huge blunder? No, not really. And in fact I felt so guilty that I did end up running on my "day off." It made the low because I'm so close to the 100lb. mark and I let it (and a few other small pieces of dark (anti-oxidant rich) chocolate) get in the way.

154.7.... last week's number. This week: 151.9. -2.8lbs... 1.9 left to go.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tippecanoe Tuesday

This week's tip: lower back/abs exercise. Now when I first started on my journey, I had a really hard time with this one, but over time, was able to get a handle on it as my muscles developed. So if you can't do it, don't worry! Try it every once in a while, and see where you get. I like to call it the 30/45/90 or double-leg lift.

Start by laying on the floor flat on your back. Lay your arms next to you, plams down. Keeping your legs straight and together, you're going to lift them about 30 degrees off the floor, then 45 degrees, then 90 degrees. To lift them you are going to really want to concentrate on using your abs. Do not put your hands under your bottom to aid lifting your legs. You can actually hurt yourself by trying to do more than your body can handle. Then on the way down, stop at 45 then 30 then down. Repeat 15 to 20 times.

Since that one has a bit of difficulty to it, we won't add any more to your plate this week :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Let them eat cake! Orrr not.

I thought that tonight I would share a little bit about food. I promise I won't go on a rant about it's awfulness, but rather give you a list of things to pick from. I would tell you what I eat, but that's a secret... ok, maybe not, but regardless... my food is for me. My plan is not your plan. Just like we are all individuals, each of our bodies have different needs. But here are some general guidelines.

Protein: Lean meats like chicken breast (no skin), turkey, pork tenderloin, tuna, haddock, shrimp (most fish is good), egg whites, plain unsalted nuts like almonds and cashews, whey protein shakes, protein bars that are low in high fructose corn syrup...

Grains/Starches: Whole grains! Brown rice, whole wheat breads (preferably ones that are carb. conscious), wheat pita, whole wheat pasta (again, watch carbs) sweet potatoes, plain rice cakes

Fruits: Fruits are great! However, you have to be careful because some have more sugar than others... For instance, pineapple is delicious... but has one of the highest sugar contents. Also apples have a lot of carbs (something I recently found out) Also, something to note... be careful of pesticides on fruits and veggies. It's best to go organic.

Veggies: The more green and fibrous, the better :) Fresh is good, but the frozen steamer veggies are just as good.

Salads are good, just watch the dressings. Oil and vinegar is best. I am a fan of Newman's Organic Light Balsamic Vinaigrette. You have to be careful with vinaigrettes because they can have alot of sugar in them.

What constitutes low carb? Well, it's best to keep it under 28 net carbs. Net carbs is the entire carbs, minus the fiber. So if you have a protein bar that has 30 carbs and 5 grams of fiber, there is 25 net carbs.

Well I hope that helps! Time to get some sleep!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

Exhaustion reigns supreme. I have been doing what's called "burning the candle at both ends". Staying up late, getting up early. In case you do this too, the combination is not good. So tonight's gonna be brief, so I can GET TO BED! :)

High: Running 8.6 miles. (well about .75 of that was walking)... due to lack of water, heat, and not knowing how many miles I was doing.

Low: The food choices I made on Easter. Still realizing that food and emotions are tied together quite "nicely".

This week's weight, due to Easter and a little festivities the day after... 154.7. So all in all, only up a minuscule amount... So this means... 4.7 to the century club. And I WILL get there, maybe not next week, but definitely the week after. Definitely.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Black Hole that was Monday and Tip Tuesday

Monday was awful. I had the worst sugar crash. The gym was awful. The mental game was on full force... and I lost. Well comparatively... I mean I did run 4 walk 1, but it wasn't the 6 I was supposed to do. I was hungrier because of my massive food consumption, sluggish from the sugar, and depressed that I blew it so bad. So yes, I can have my days too :)

And now it's Tip Tuesday. We've talked about abs, we've talked about legs, now I figured I would address the arms. It is best to get some weights... if you're a beginner I would start with 3 - 5 lbs. Intermediate 8-10 lbs. Expert, well you probably don't need my help if you're an expert ;) If you don't have weights, try cans of soup! Here are two exercises you can do for your arms.

1. Bicep Curl. Stand with your arms at your sides. Turn your arms so that your palms are facing frontward. With the weights in your hands, bend your arms at the elbows and bring them 180 degrees. Then bring all the way back down to your sides. Repeat. (This can be done one arm at a time, or together)

2. Lateral Raise. Using those same weights, stand with your arms at your sides. Palms facing your legs. Keeping your arms straight, bring them up to form a T with your body. Then bring them back down. Both arms should be done simultaneously.

Of course, there's always push-ups. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

I apologize for not posting yesterday. Completely forgot. You know, life has a way of just moving on if you're not intentional about it. So today, I am being intentional and making an entry. :)

First off, Happy Easter to you all!

There was a key word that I was supposed to follow today. Any guesses? (waits...) The word is... moderation. I may have talked about this before, but today was my turn to put it into practice. And I failed miserably. I pretty much re-enacted the Hindenburg. But hey, go big or go home right? (No, that is never right). I had ham, cake, potatoes, pie, candy, bread, lamb... to name a few. And how did I feel? Like crap! Not only did the food make my stomach feel like it was twice it's usual size (which was probably true) I felt guilty for my lack of restraint. It was as if the rules were lifted and I ate like I would never get to eat a potato again. I felt embarrassed (on the inside) that I couldn't stop myself. Then I had a flash of worry that I hadn't "learned my lesson" so to speak. It was a flashback to the old habits. (Granted I wasn't running 6 miles then but still) So where do I go from here?

I was reminded of a saying tonight... "You only fail if you refuse to try again." So I'm gonna set the alarm, get my butt out of bed, run, and forget about it. You should too.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Now I'm gonna say a word that many of you have different attachments to or perceptions of. Some of you may think of this word and cringe, others may feel lost, and yet still others may be elated. The word? FOOD.

As human beings, we tend to have several different relationships with food. (and maybe that's the problem) The first and most used relationship: comfort. You hear the term "comfort food" all the time. Things like home-made macaroni & cheese, chicken pot pie (one of my personal favs.), and chocolate chip cookies (we won't mention how I feel about those). Today was a fairly stressful day for me. And when the "Easter Bunny" came around with that chocolate, you better believe I had some. Did it make me feel better? Well you could argue that it increased the dopamine in my brain and therefore technically made me happier, but that sugar high (which later resulted in a sugar crash) is temporary.

The second relationship: fun. These are things like nachos, pizza, the seven-layer dip your mom brings to the next cookout. Or it can be the beverage side: Mudslides, Martini's, Daquiri's... you get the point. Food is fun because it generally brings people together. Put a bowl of chips and salsa in the kitchen, you'll have company. Put a bowl of chips and salsa in the livingroom, the company will be there. Maybe it's because it's something to do besides talk? I don't know, I'll leave that speculation to you.

The third relationship: speed. I'm sure at some point in your life, you have said, "Let's go for a quick bite to eat." While this in itself isn't wrong, in these days, a quick bite to eat generally means, McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and for you out of the box thinkers, Taco Bell. While good choices can be made at those "restaurants" (and I use that term loosely) generally, they are not.

As I have said before, food is fuel.

We have all had our fair share of bad relationships... whether it be friends, ex's, etc. The relationship with food should be one that gives back lasting results. (and I'm not talking about heartburn) Food is meant to sustain this thing called life and is to help us thrive.

How would you like it if you gave your friend a really cool expensive gift, and in turn they gave you a cow patty?
(poo for those of you who may not know what that is) That is what you're doing when you consistently choose comfort, fun, or speed. Notice I said consistently. There is a key word here... moderation. With Easter coming, I will be partaking in the comfort relationship, but it's okay because I know that the day after, I'm choosing the fuel relationship again. I hope you'll join me.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today has been about resting. So, in honor of that, I will not be blogging today. :) (sorry to disappoint)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Wednesdays

Last night, after cooking some chicken till about 10:30pm and tying up some loose ends, I realized that it was almost midnight when I was going to bed. I had to be up at 5:30... just 5.5 short hours away. See getting up that early and getting a workout in isn't a big deal if you get to bed early enough. However, if you don't.... torture. But thankfully, the thing that helped me get up?

Not to myself, but to a friend. I knew that she was going to be there, so I better get my behind there as well. I can't stress how important it is to have supporters along the way.
I have been doing this for (pause while I count on my fingers) 9 months now and have had a few different partners in crime (besides my awesome Trainer). Jill, my sister-in-law to get me started. It helps to have someone who really cares about you while your on the first leg of your journey. This way, when you look like a fool (which is really inevitable), you'll be loved no matter what. Then my friend Stephanie took over for Jill (who became pregnant! :)...) and that was just the thing I needed to keep it fresh. It was great being able to be the one to encourage someone else. And now I've picked up a few more friends along the way, Amy, Desha... You see, fitness, though generally individual, is that much more enjoyable when you have someone to endure the ups and downs with. Just sayin'.

And now for highs and lows:

High: Again I'm going to have to default to clothes shopping. I purchased a size Small in a top on Saturday. Crazy.

Low: That freakin' chocolate chip cookie that seems to find me. I swear they have radar or something. (It was one of the goodies at the conference I went to last weekend) Lately, I just have a really hard time saying "No" to them.

And here is where I say, that even though you may do everything right (I stayed good with the eating (ok well minus the cookie), got my miles in)... you can gain. I did. At one point this week I was 153.7. The final result of the week: 154.5. (a gain of .8) I am attributing it to a changed food plan and a gain in muscle mass. (Or at least that's what my trainer says and I believe him) So it looks like the 100lb. mark is just a little further away. So in reality, I lost 1.1 from last Wednesday... and I'm ok with that.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tip Tuesday

Since I had the pleasure of doing legs today, today's tip will be on how to do a few simple leg exercises. Most people think that you have to go to the gym to get a good leg workout. Leg press, leg extensions, etc... truth is, all you need is... just you and your legs!

1. Squat: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly bend at the knees until your knees reach 90 degrees. Then bring yourself back up. Make sure that as you bend you're keeping your butt out (so attractive) and your back flat. When you're bending, you're going to bring your arms up and out in front of you. Do NOT rest them on your legs. To get more of a burn, you can get into the squat position and hold it there for as long as you can, arms out. To get even more of a burn, you can "pulse" while you are in the squat position. Pulsing means that you squat and bring yourself up but not fully out out of the squat position, and then repeat.

2. Lunge: Stand with one foot in front of you and the other foot about 2 feet behind the other. You should look like a pair of scissors. Then you're going to bring your back knee down to almost touch the ground and then bring it up. Your front knee should not pass the plane of your toes. If you have trouble balancing, feel free to hold on to the end of a couch or something else you have handy. Once you get comfortable, you can increase the difficulty by holding a weight in each hand. If you're really brave, you can try doing walking lunges. It's basically one right after the other. Works best in a long hallway :)

I am beginning to realize the difficulty of describing exercises in words. If you have difficulty, you can probably go to Google images and look up what these should actually look like :) And with that good-night! 5:30 is going to come early!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Early to rise...

Today I became an early bird. The alarm went off at 5:30am and I managed to get up and get to the gym for 6. I prepared everything the night before (although I managed to forget an apple) to make the transition easier. I was a bit unsure that I would be able to run again so soon after the night before, but not too bad! A little bit on the decline towards the end, but I say it's allowed. I will say though that if you aren't interested in the news, you may want to bring your iPod or other music player. Not too much to choose from by way of TV programs.

Today's lesson, though short, is don't be afraid to switch up your routine, even if the one you're currently doing is working. You never know what could work better.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

You know you've lost weight when...

A funny thing happened to me today. I saw a little girl at church today that I used to babysit. I went up to her and I said hello. She said to me, "You're a different Becky." I said, "No, I'm the same Becky." She looked at me a little funny and said, "Where's the other Becky?" I said, "I'm the same one, just skinnier." She said, "Oh." (She totally still didn't believe me)

This is the same little girl that when I did babysit (at my heaviest) would ask me, "Are you fat?" I of course said no because who wants to admit that. Then another time, I was going to sit down on the couch and she said, "Your butt is big." Now I don't know if it was a small lack of manners, but we do know that kids often don't have that "oh maybe I shouldn't say this" filter. To them, what what they see, is what's real. Now what do you say to that?

Denial. I had a major case of denial. I mean once I got to my heaviest, I could no longer deny it. However, there was that point, just past 200 that I said, oh I'm still athletic, I can still play sports, etc. Clearly, I was a heart attack waiting to happen.

So my dear friends, may you be honest with yourselves and take a step towards change. Maybe it's diet, maybe it's exercise, or something else, but don't let another day go by. Today, my friends, today.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Competition. I know that many of us thrive on that word, and yet for some, it can be crushing. There are those that feel the need to constantly measure themselves up to some thresh-hold or standard that has been set (sometimes unknowingly) by others; and then there are those that could give a rat's behind what other people thought. There's also the other kind of competition that is governed by goals and outcomes. These are things like sports, a marathon run, etc. where there are clear winners and losers. Combining the two can have some drastic results.

You see, I went to this conference this weekend where one of the speakers talked about how people, especially women, can play a game with themselves in this: They walk into a crowded room, decide everyone else is size 0, and then feel fatter than they did when they walked out the door in the morning. You see, that woman has set a standard (size 0) that's not even true, has realized that she does not measure up to that standard, which then in turn... she considers herself a loser. That's not ok!

At this same conference, they served lunch. I was following a friend and we were headed to a table that had two empty chairs. However, one of the chairs had barely enough room to pull out. There were two women on the other side of the table. One said, "Oh, maybe we can move the table." The other said, "Oh that's ok, she's skinny." She was talking about me! I was taken aback for a moment, but then realized, oh yeah... I AM!

Now what does all that have to do with competition?

Ok well that particular instance didn't really have any... except for if my butt was going to be able to fit in that chair... which it did. But the comment from that stranger... has actually stuck with me all day. I mean it's even made a blog entry. :) My point is that people and competition can be good... buuuut they can also be that un-attainable goal that you'll always lose to... because it's not real!

In fitness, it's important to set goals, but not the winner or loser kind. If you're doing something about your health, you're already a winner and always will be. (Sounds corny, I know, but it's true). Some days you'll feel skinny, some days fat, but know that you are on your way to a healthy lifestyle and that's all that matters.

Friday, March 26, 2010

If You Have 8 Minutes...

Upon a recent trip to Borders, I realized that you can get almost any body part, fit, in less than 15 minutes. You have 8-minute Arms, Abs, Buns, and Legs. 10-minute Workouts. 12-minute Makeover- 3 minute Interval Training Workout. I mean COME ON! Am I seriously supposed to think that if I do 8, 10, or 12 minutes of a specialized workout, that I'm going to get amazing results? Without changing my eating? (notice I said eating and not diet... there's a reason) Who knows, maybe one of you guys is a workout phenomenon and would get ripped, but for me... I have my doubts.

However, if it gets you to think... "Hey, I've got 8-minutes between kids, shopping, laundry, etc. I can do SOMETHING"... then that's good. The problem I have with that system though, is that there's no real investment of time into a good workout. When I'm taking my time to go to the gym and get my 1-hour run on, it doesn't only help my physical body. It helps clear my mind and get the adrenaline going. It can also be a time to just think and maybe get that million dollar idea you've always been looking for. 8-minutes would barely allow me time to get my thoughts off of what's gone on that day! I don't know about you, but work can be stressful and a good run may be just what the doctor ordered.

As promised I did try the protein shake and.... it's good! The brand is Tokkyo... it's in a blue clear-ish bottle.. and the flavor I tried was chocolate (obviously). I do have a vanilla to try as well, so I'll keep you posted on that too.

The short of it is, take time for yourself. You'll thank you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be Prepared

Today was a fairly decent day.... well except for the fact that I fell asleep with my laptop in my lap last night and didn't really sleep all that well. Woke up before my alarm... never happens. Left me a LITTLE bit tired for the day. But I think it's in preparation for my switch to working out in the AM. Yep, I'm going to try and be an early bird. I was, at one point in my life, able to get up before work and go to the gym. Hopefully I can replicate this :)

Today actually ended up being a trainer day. I was very thankful to work out earlier in the day, rather than later. But half the reason I was able to do that, is because I had my gym bag in the car packed with fresh clothes. I had also packed my full day's worth of food before leaving for work. Crazy? Well, not really (although sometimes I'm amazed that my whole day's worth of food fits in a regular sized gift bag.) The best way to stay on track, is to be prepared for whatever the day could bring you. One of my major downfalls was (and sometimes still is) substituting protein bars for my meals. While it is good that I at least had something, I wasn't getting the amount of calories that I needed. Then the next day, I was STARVING. It's not a good combination when you're on a restricted meal plan. So save yourself the trouble and take a few more minutes in the morning to prepare for your day, the right way.

It does help to have a few healthy snacks on hand. This will save you money and calories from the trip through the nearest drive-thru. Plain almonds or cashews(portioned before-hand) are a good on hand snack you can stash in your purse or glove compartment (for you guys). And an occasional protein bar or shake isn't going to break the bank.

I'll leave you with this quote from my good friend Alexander Graham Bell: "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Side note: Today I bought some new protein powder... I'll let you know how it tastes.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth Wednesdays

For me, Wednesday is my day of rest... although I hardly feel rested after a full day of work, cooking, grocery shopping, and band practice. As I was thinking of what to write in today's entry I remembered something that I used to do with the kids at my old job. We had this thing called "highs and lows." It's a discussion time where you talk about the highs and lows of your day, or in the case here, week. I encourage you to do the same because it helps you to think about what accomplishments you have made and maybe those things that could use a little "tweak."

I am going to "cheat" because I had two really great high's this week. And if you're going to cheat in anything, this should be it.
1) I ran my first 8:30 minute mile. I felt like I had conquered the world and could run forever... ok maybe not forever, but close.
2) I bought a size 8. Yep, the last thing that I ever remember buying in a size 8, was my shoes. I have lost 16 sizes. Now I know you're all going... 8 plus 16... equals... 24. Yep. I was a 24. BUT! Not any more :) So really, it doesn't matter where you come from, but where you're headed.

My low would have to be this weekend. I made some poor eating choices based on the emotions that I was feeling at the time. I would have hoped that I would know better by now, but it just goes to show you that we're all human and things happen. But, since then, I have put on my big girl pants and have moved on.

In an effort to be as transparent as possible, the last thing about "Whole truth and nothing but the truth Wednesday" is weigh in. I've decided that I'm sick of the social stigma that society puts on weight... those with too much, and those with too little. Too much? Fat (Ugly). To little? Tiny (Gross). How about we just stick both those categories in the trash, and call it unhealthy? Well anyway, I don't know how I'm going to change society on that one, but this week I'm at 155.6... 5.6 more till 100 :)

We'll see what next week brings.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tip Tuesday

Abs... or should I say ab muscles. We've all got 'em... some are more hidden then others. I've only recently begun to discover mine.


You'd be surprised that almost everything you do can involve your abs. Walking while contracting your abs is a great exercise. But, for those of you looking for a little more in depth ab workout here are a few exercises to get you started.

1. Sit-ups! Yep that's right. Good ol' fashioned sit-ups. There are many variations on these, but the two that I'll address are straight-legged and bent-legged.
A. Straight legged. Lie flat with your back on the ground. While keeping your legs on the ground, sit-up. To add difficulty, cross your arms over your chest.
B. Bent legged. Lie flat with your back on the ground. Bring your legs up so that the soles of your feet are touching the ground. Sit-up. This one is easier if you have a partner to help hold your feet down. If not, you can try hooking them under the couch or a coffee table. Again you can increase the difficulty by folding your arms over your chest.

2. Planks. Planks are like a push-up, but with out moving. You may also feel this in your shoulders and lower back, but you should feel the majority of it in your abs especially if you are contracting them. To do a plank you are going to get into the position of a male push-up, arms straight palms on the floor. Then bend your arms so that your elbows are touching the floor. Make sure you don't have your hips too high, otherwise you won't get the most out of the exercise. Also if your hips are too low, you may feel it more in your back. Hold the position for as long as you can.

These should get you started. If you have a sensitive tailbone, pick up one of those yoga mats. It will work wonders. Happy ab-ing!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Today I conquered the art of.... walking.

I had the best of intentions. I got to the gym, stretched, and started the one to two minute warm-up. Then I lowered the treadmill (yes they make ones that have a decline)... and pushed the shiny plus symbol (I swear they make it that way to seem more appealing) up to 7.0. And that's when I realized, today, 7.0 meant nothing more than my shoe size.... My zeal from the day before caught up with me. My abs killed, my shin was screaming at me in all sorts of languages, and I felt that I just might be that person that trips on the treadmill. I quickly pressed the minus symbol to a jog and did that for a mile. Then, walked.

Yes that's right, I walked. I took it a little easy, chose 3.2 and upped the incline. I decided I would make the most of it. And you know what? I made 4 miles. Which brings me to today's jewel.

You don't need to "run a marathon" every day. Though my miles were short and my speed sloth-like, I still went. Don't be afraid to rock the walk.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Real Life Happens

Yesterday... was a bad day. On my day to sleep in, I woke up at 8:30am. I decided to make the most of it and I brought my car in to get an oil change and inspection. The oil change guy told me that I should get new shocks yadda, yadda, yadda. Then I had it inspected. Fail. Needed new rear brakes and rotors. A few hundred dollars later, I was feeling pretty crappy. After that, I went to get a pedicure with some friends, something every girl/woman should do. There's nothing like looking down at your toes and seeing some fantastic shade of bright pink :) Plus the foot/leg massage feels great after putting in your miles at the gym!

Though I felt a bit better from that, I was still feeling a bit emotional. Now emotional and hungry don't fare well together at all. I don't know about you, but the things that I crave when I'm emotional and hungry include: burgers, ice cream, cookies, fries, etc. Question is, how do you deal with that? Best suggestion: drink some water and call someone while going to get food that will fuel you, not give you a temporary high. I've learned that as much as I love a burger, burgers don't talk back, neither does ice cream... or any other food for that matter. By calling a friend, you get the chance to strengthen a relationship all the while distracting you from (name your craving). And that my friends is another life lesson. Food is fuel, not fun. I wish I could say that I made the right choice yesterday, but my emotions got the best of me.

But you know what? Tomorrow is another day. Heck, if you blow breakfast... start over at lunch. The worst thing to do is say, "Oh well I've blown it already, so I might as well..." NO! Never "might as well." You are in control and you are stronger than you think.

So today, because of the choice I made yesterday, my body did not want to get on that treadmill. I did not feel like driving to the gym. But, I did. And by doing so... I made another accomplishment. I ran 2 miles at 7.0 making 8:31 minute miles. The remaining 4 weren't as fast, but that doesn't matter. What matters is, I got right back into it.

Real life happens.



Due to numerous comments on my Facebook statuses, I have decided to start a blog about my fitness woes and triumphs. I have actually been wanting to do something like this for quite some time, but never really got around to it (and never really thought anyone would be interested in it). I hope that through my experiences, others may find comfort, inspiration, or maybe even a good laugh... even if it is at my expense.

My only regret for both this site and my endeavor is that I wish I would have started it sooner. One of the many things that I have learned, is that it's a journey. It's not going to happen overnight. There is no "quick fix." I didn't get to 250lbs. by consuming one giant hamburger (thank God), and so I'm not going to get to 125lbs. by taking a stroll around the block. It takes work, dedication, the ability to say "NO", a sense of humor, and a support system. I have been blessed with an amazing support system. I want to take a second to thank them: 1)My sister-in-law Jill for calling me and asking me to do it (and all the support you've given over these last months) 2) My Trainer Aaron ( for believing in me and pushing me to get to where I am today... "If you're not cryin', you're not tryin'." :) 3) My mom and dad for their support and love through "thick and thin" (and help with supplying the ever changing wardrobe) :) 4) Friends- You guys are great and I thank you for all your complements and wish you the best of luck on your journey as well.

I will say that this site is not meant to be a "do-what-I-do" site. Each of us is different. I may run 6 miles, but that doesn't mean that you should "go ye therefore and do likewise." If you're looking to get in shape, start with a walk, find some stairs and go up and down them (several hundred times), take a bike ride... the main thing is, find what works for you... because guess what, if it doesn't work for you, YOU WON'T DO IT!

With that said, I hope you enjoy!
