Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be Prepared

Today was a fairly decent day.... well except for the fact that I fell asleep with my laptop in my lap last night and didn't really sleep all that well. Woke up before my alarm... never happens. Left me a LITTLE bit tired for the day. But I think it's in preparation for my switch to working out in the AM. Yep, I'm going to try and be an early bird. I was, at one point in my life, able to get up before work and go to the gym. Hopefully I can replicate this :)

Today actually ended up being a trainer day. I was very thankful to work out earlier in the day, rather than later. But half the reason I was able to do that, is because I had my gym bag in the car packed with fresh clothes. I had also packed my full day's worth of food before leaving for work. Crazy? Well, not really (although sometimes I'm amazed that my whole day's worth of food fits in a regular sized gift bag.) The best way to stay on track, is to be prepared for whatever the day could bring you. One of my major downfalls was (and sometimes still is) substituting protein bars for my meals. While it is good that I at least had something, I wasn't getting the amount of calories that I needed. Then the next day, I was STARVING. It's not a good combination when you're on a restricted meal plan. So save yourself the trouble and take a few more minutes in the morning to prepare for your day, the right way.

It does help to have a few healthy snacks on hand. This will save you money and calories from the trip through the nearest drive-thru. Plain almonds or cashews(portioned before-hand) are a good on hand snack you can stash in your purse or glove compartment (for you guys). And an occasional protein bar or shake isn't going to break the bank.

I'll leave you with this quote from my good friend Alexander Graham Bell: "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."

Side note: Today I bought some new protein powder... I'll let you know how it tastes.

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