For me, Wednesday is my day of rest... although I hardly feel rested after a full day of work, cooking, grocery shopping, and band practice. As I was thinking of what to write in today's entry I remembered something that I used to do with the kids at my old job. We had this thing called "highs and lows." It's a discussion time where you talk about the highs and lows of your day, or in the case here, week. I encourage you to do the same because it helps you to think about what accomplishments you have made and maybe those things that could use a little "tweak."
I am going to "cheat" because I had two really great high's this week. And if you're going to cheat in anything, this should be it.
1) I ran my first 8:30 minute mile. I felt like I had conquered the world and could run forever... ok maybe not forever, but close.
2) I bought a size 8. Yep, the last thing that I ever remember buying in a size 8, was my shoes. I have lost 16 sizes. Now I know you're all going... 8 plus 16... equals... 24. Yep. I was a 24. BUT! Not any more :) So really, it doesn't matter where you come from, but where you're headed.
My low would have to be this weekend. I made some poor eating choices based on the emotions that I was feeling at the time. I would have hoped that I would know better by now, but it just goes to show you that we're all human and things happen. But, since then, I have put on my big girl pants and have moved on.
In an effort to be as transparent as possible, the last thing about "Whole truth and nothing but the truth Wednesday" is weigh in. I've decided that I'm sick of the social stigma that society puts on weight... those with too much, and those with too little. Too much? Fat (Ugly). To little? Tiny (Gross). How about we just stick both those categories in the trash, and call it unhealthy? Well anyway, I don't know how I'm going to change society on that one, but this week I'm at 155.6... 5.6 more till 100 :)
We'll see what next week brings.
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