Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tip Tuesday

Abs... or should I say ab muscles. We've all got 'em... some are more hidden then others. I've only recently begun to discover mine.


You'd be surprised that almost everything you do can involve your abs. Walking while contracting your abs is a great exercise. But, for those of you looking for a little more in depth ab workout here are a few exercises to get you started.

1. Sit-ups! Yep that's right. Good ol' fashioned sit-ups. There are many variations on these, but the two that I'll address are straight-legged and bent-legged.
A. Straight legged. Lie flat with your back on the ground. While keeping your legs on the ground, sit-up. To add difficulty, cross your arms over your chest.
B. Bent legged. Lie flat with your back on the ground. Bring your legs up so that the soles of your feet are touching the ground. Sit-up. This one is easier if you have a partner to help hold your feet down. If not, you can try hooking them under the couch or a coffee table. Again you can increase the difficulty by folding your arms over your chest.

2. Planks. Planks are like a push-up, but with out moving. You may also feel this in your shoulders and lower back, but you should feel the majority of it in your abs especially if you are contracting them. To do a plank you are going to get into the position of a male push-up, arms straight palms on the floor. Then bend your arms so that your elbows are touching the floor. Make sure you don't have your hips too high, otherwise you won't get the most out of the exercise. Also if your hips are too low, you may feel it more in your back. Hold the position for as long as you can.

These should get you started. If you have a sensitive tailbone, pick up one of those yoga mats. It will work wonders. Happy ab-ing!

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