Friday, April 9, 2010

Let them eat cake! Orrr not.

I thought that tonight I would share a little bit about food. I promise I won't go on a rant about it's awfulness, but rather give you a list of things to pick from. I would tell you what I eat, but that's a secret... ok, maybe not, but regardless... my food is for me. My plan is not your plan. Just like we are all individuals, each of our bodies have different needs. But here are some general guidelines.

Protein: Lean meats like chicken breast (no skin), turkey, pork tenderloin, tuna, haddock, shrimp (most fish is good), egg whites, plain unsalted nuts like almonds and cashews, whey protein shakes, protein bars that are low in high fructose corn syrup...

Grains/Starches: Whole grains! Brown rice, whole wheat breads (preferably ones that are carb. conscious), wheat pita, whole wheat pasta (again, watch carbs) sweet potatoes, plain rice cakes

Fruits: Fruits are great! However, you have to be careful because some have more sugar than others... For instance, pineapple is delicious... but has one of the highest sugar contents. Also apples have a lot of carbs (something I recently found out) Also, something to note... be careful of pesticides on fruits and veggies. It's best to go organic.

Veggies: The more green and fibrous, the better :) Fresh is good, but the frozen steamer veggies are just as good.

Salads are good, just watch the dressings. Oil and vinegar is best. I am a fan of Newman's Organic Light Balsamic Vinaigrette. You have to be careful with vinaigrettes because they can have alot of sugar in them.

What constitutes low carb? Well, it's best to keep it under 28 net carbs. Net carbs is the entire carbs, minus the fiber. So if you have a protein bar that has 30 carbs and 5 grams of fiber, there is 25 net carbs.

Well I hope that helps! Time to get some sleep!

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