Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Five is the Lonliest Number that You'll Ever Do

I've been stabbed 5x's. What happens when you get stabbed 5x's? Well, if it's not on purpose, hopefully our wonderful EMT's of this world will be able to rescue you from the grips of death.


In my case, it was voluntary... well to some degree. This past Thursday I had elective surgery to have my gallbladder out. I had battled with a severe cold the whole week leading up to the surgery. I'm convinced I had a sinus infection, but I never got it checked out. (I'm not normally an advocate for the "screw-it-I'll-get-better-on-my-own" mantra, but after several doctor visits and co-pays with my gallbladder issue, I figured I'd dose up on the Musinex and give the cold the proverbial finger.)

When I got to the hospital, I was sent up to the "surgical day care" center. I'm going to give that mental image a moment.... It was a place where you check-in, get nekked, and put on the Johnny. However, it was painted with clouds and vines and white-picket fences. Way to go Elliot. Way to go. There were three bays which were occupied with two other patients. As I got myself situated, I learned that my other two compadres were also having their gallbladders out. Apparently it was a day for the gastroeterological surgeon. (Then I wondered what happened to all of the discarded gallbladders... I still don't know.)


The nurse came and put the IV in (thankfully a whole lot more skillfully than the ER nurse at the CMC... I was done looking like a heroine addict thank you very much). I had brought a book with me because of the lag time between my arrival and my actual surgery. What I thought was going to be "light reading" ended up being a book on the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. Great way to get your mind off of death and destruction... yeah, not so much. Being so close to the other patients, I heard things like "no running for the next two months", "you'll get back to work after about 2 weeks", "no lifting over 15 lbs for at least 3 weeks"... ACK! That can't be true!

As the time neared I started getting more nervous. The nurse came one last time and hooked my IV up to this small bag with the "sleepy drug." I was getting a little teary as they started wheeling me out and as I was brought in to the OR, I was told it was going to be a little cold. I responded, "yeah it is kinda cold in here".... zonk!

Then I woke up an hour and a half later in the recovery room with 5 "stab wounds." I was unbelievably tired and incredibly sore. I was hoodwinked in that I didn't realize there would be a breathing tube down my throat. I mean they gotta do what they gotta do, but for the next two days I had the voice of a pack-an-hour smoker.

On that note, I will say... to be continued.

1 comment:

  1. Ack!! That sounds like it was a crazy adventure! Also, that trash-pile picture is A-MAZING.
